Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fourth Lesson: Pentathonic and Blue minor scales.

Hi again!
In this lesson we are going to learn something very easy about the blues.
The blues is based on the pentathonic minor scale, that it's:

In A:

 In A, you can do this scale in different positions, like this:
The other notes is the same but starting at the correct fret ;)

The blues scale is the same that the pentathonic minor scale, but adding a flat on the 5th, doing it dicreased.
You can do all the blues scales doing the same that you do with the pentathonic, but adding de dicreased 5th, and starting at the fret with the note that you want.

Thanks for watching this! See you soon! :D

Third lesson: 7th Chords

Now, I think it's time to learn about the 7th chords.
A 7th (7th Major) chord is a Major chord with the bass note, the 3rd, the 5th, and not the 8ve, we put the 7th.

A 7th chord is for example, on A7, the notes are A C E G (not like a major chord that it's A C E A)

This type of chord is very used, and for example if you want to play blues, you've to know those chords.

Here is an image of the chords that we've seen since now: Major, minor and 7th chords.


Thank you for watching this and keep learning!! :D

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Second Lesson: CAPO

Hi everybody!
In this lesson I'm explaining how to do a CAPO chord, but don't worry, it's easier that you think.

The capo consists on put your index finger across all the neck of the guitar, touching all the strings on this fret, like this: 


The CAPO chord is used all long the guitar and in every fret, for example, if you want to do C, you can do this chord like this two positions:

Like you can do a CAPO chord on the 3rd fret of the 5th string doing a C chord, you can do all chords by CAPO.
Now, here is an image of the CAPO example chords, enjoy!

This is for a minor chord with the base on the 6th string. If you want to do a major chord on the 6th fret, you have to put your finger on the 3rd string, between the 2 other fingers and the capo.

This is for a minor chord with the base on the 5th string. If you want to do a major chord on the 5th fret, you have to put your finger on the 2nd string, at the same fret that the other 2 fingers.

In the CAPO chords with base on 5th and 6th strings, the base note of the chord will be on the fret that it's the note on the 5th and 6th string.

Thank you very much for seeing this and please coment! See you soon :D

Friday, May 31, 2013

Images of basic chords!

Hi again!
In this post I'm going to post images of the basic chords that I've explained on the last lesson.
Let's see it!

 You can see for example on Cm and Gm that where it's the line for the capo, at the right there is a "III". This means that the fret where it's the number 3 in roman numbers is the 3rd fret, and not the 1st.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Beginning lesson! Strings and intervals

Hey, what's up?
Well, today we're going to see the basic positions and the basic chords in the guitar, but before, in case you don't know how to play guitar, we're explaining what note is each string, and the intervals among strings. If you are beginning, this lesson is for you!

Then, let's start!

First of all, the guitars have got 6 strings, andthe "name" of each string is called by a number:

The name of the notes is called by a letter. Then, it's A B C D E F G

Also, the 1st string would be the highest note, and the 6th string, the lowest.

Well, let's explain:

When we play the strings without putting our fingers on a fret, we say that the note is on the "fret 0"


1st  string fret 0: note E
2nd string fret 0: note B
3rd string fret 0: note G
4th string fret 0: note D
5th string fret 0: note A
6th string fret 0: note E

The next step is to learn the basic chords:

In a tab, a chord can be showed by 2 different forms:

  • With the name of the chord: 
    • For the major chords, we only put the name of the note: A (A Major), B (B Major)...
    • For the minor chords, we put the name of the note with a minorcase "m": Em (E minor), Dm (D minor)... or we can put a "minus sign" after the letter, like E-, D- ..
    • There are many types of chords, but we'll see those in following lessons.
  • With the possition of the frets and strings. Let's explain this:
    • For example, if all the strings were played on fret 0, it would be "000000". Then, the Em chord, would be "022000" (E B E G B E). Each number is each chord, but the first number it's the 6th string, remember this!
      • If you are a begginer, if you have seen "022000" you probably thought that it's very difficult. But well, you only have to put your fingers on each fret, and remember the position, because if you see Em again, you will put this position always (this is the basic position, it exists more positions that we will learn later).
      • If we put an "X" on one string, we don't play this note, we have to rub it a little bit (for don't play the string at 0 fret, and for don't play the note with the fret pressed too) or if there are 2 or more X, play only the other strings.

Well,  the basic positions are:

A = X02220
B = X24442 (CAPO)
C = X32010
D =XX0232
E = 022100
F = 133211 (CAPO)
G = 320033

Am = X02210
Bm = X24432 (CAPO)
Cm = X35543
Dm = XX0231
Em = 022000
Fm = 133111 (CAPO)
Gm = 355333 (CAPO)

 In next lessons I'll explain what's the capo and more things, thanks for watching this!
    Please comment if you like!


    Hi everybody!
    First of all, I'm Richard, I'm 16 and I'm from Spain. I'm a totally lover of music. I play the clarinet, the piano and the guitar, but guitar is my world.
    In this blog, I'll post about electric guitars, lessons about how to play different type of music, with it's rythm, it's chords and it's scales, differences between guitars, amplifiers and much more!
    See you soon! ;)